Big Data Hadoop Certification Training


Big Data Hadoop Training Course is curated by Hadoop industry experts, and it covers in-depth knowledge on Big Data and Hadoop Ecosystem tools such as HDFS, YARN, MapReduce, Hive, Pig, HBase, Spark, Oozie, Flume and Sqoop. Throughout this online instructor-led Hadoop Training, you will be working on real-life industry use cases in Retail, Social Media, Aviation, Tourism and Finance domain using Cloud Lab.
Section 1Understanding Big Data and Hadoop
Lecture 1 Introduction to Big Data & Big Data Challenges
Lecture 2Limitations & Solutions of Big Data Architecture
Lecture 3 Hadoop & its Features
Lecture 4Hadoop Ecosystem
Lecture 5Hadoop 2.x Core Components
Lecture 6Hadoop Storage: HDFS (Hadoop Distributed File System)
Lecture 7Hadoop Processing: MapReduce Framework
Lecture 8 Different Hadoop Distributions
Section 2Hadoop Architecture and HDFS
Lecture 9Hadoop 2.x Cluster Architecture
Lecture 10Federation and High Availability Architecture
Lecture 11Typical Production Hadoop Cluster
Lecture 12 Hadoop Cluster Modes
Lecture 13Common Hadoop Shell Commands
Lecture 14 Hadoop 2.x Configuration Files
Lecture 15Single Node Cluster & Multi-Node Cluster set up
Lecture 16Basic Hadoop Administration
Section 3 Hadoop MapReduce Framework
Lecture 17Traditional way vs MapReduce way
Lecture 18 Why MapReduce
Lecture 19 YARN Components
Lecture 20 YARN Architecture
Lecture 21 YARN MapReduce Application Execution Flow
Lecture 22YARN Workflow
Lecture 23Anatomy of MapReduce Program
Lecture 24Input Splits, Relation between Input Splits and HDFS Blocks
Lecture 25MapReduce: Combiner & Partitioner
Lecture 26 Demo of Health Care Dataset
Lecture 27 Demo of Weather Dataset
Section 4Advanced Hadoop MapReduce
Lecture 28 Counters
Lecture 29Distributed Cache
Lecture 30MRunit
Lecture 31 Reduce Join
Lecture 32 Custom Input Format
Lecture 33 Sequence Input Format
Lecture 34XML file Parsing using MapReduce
Section 5Apache Pig
Lecture 35 Introduction to Apache Pig
Lecture 36MapReduce vs Pig
Lecture 37Pig Components & Pig Execution
Lecture 38 Pig Data Types & Data Models in Pig
Lecture 39 Pig Latin Programs
Lecture 40 Shell and Utility Commands
Lecture 41Pig UDF & Pig Streaming
Lecture 42Testing Pig scripts with Punit
Lecture 43Aviation use-case in PIG
Lecture 44Pig Demo of Healthcare Dataset
Section 6Apache Hive
Lecture 45 Introduction to Apache Hive
Lecture 46 Hive vs Pig
Lecture 47 Hive Architecture and Components
Lecture 48 Hive Metastore
Lecture 49Limitations of Hive
Lecture 50 Comparison with Traditional Database
Lecture 51 Hive Data Types and Data Models
Lecture 52 Hive Partition
Lecture 53 Hive Bucketing
Lecture 54Hive Tables (Managed Tables and External Tables)
Lecture 55 Importing Data
Lecture 56Querying Data & Managing Outputs
Lecture 57 Hive Script & Hive UDF
Lecture 58Retail use case in Hive
Lecture 59 Hive Demo on Healthcare Dataset
Section 7 Advanced Apache Hive and HBase
Lecture 60 Hive QL: Joining Tables, Dynamic Partitioning
Lecture 61 Custom MapReduce Scripts
Lecture 62 Hive Indexes and views
Lecture 63 Hive Query Optimizers
Lecture 64 Hive Thrift Server
Lecture 65Hive UDF
Lecture 66 Apache HBase: Introduction to NoSQL Databases and HBase
Lecture 67HBase v/s RDBMS
Lecture 68 HBase Components
Lecture 69HBase Architecture
Lecture 70 HBase Run Modes
Lecture 71 HBase Configuration
Lecture 72HBase Cluster Deployment
Section 8Advanced Apache HBase
Lecture 73 HBase Data Model
Lecture 74 HBase Shell
Lecture 75HBase Client API
Lecture 76Hive Data Loading Techniques
Lecture 77Apache Zookeeper Introduction
Lecture 78 ZooKeeper Data Model
Lecture 79Zookeeper Service
Lecture 80 HBase Bulk Loading
Lecture 81Getting and Inserting Data
Lecture 82HBase Filters
Section 9Processing Distributed Data with Apache Spark
Lecture 83 What is Spark
Lecture 84 Spark Ecosystem
Lecture 85 Spark Components
Lecture 86 What is Scala
Lecture 87 Why Scala
Lecture 88SparkContext
Lecture 89 Spark RDD
Section 10Oozie and Hadoop Project
Lecture 90 Oozie
Lecture 91 Oozie Components
Lecture 92 Oozie Workflow
Lecture 93 Scheduling Jobs with Oozie Scheduler
Lecture 94 Demo of Oozie Workflow
Lecture 95 Oozie Coordinator
Lecture 96Oozie Commands
Lecture 97 Oozie Web Console
Lecture 98 Oozie for MapReduce
Lecture 99Combining flow of MapReduce Jobs
Lecture 100Hive in Oozie
Lecture 101 Hadoop Project Demo
Lecture 102 Hadoop Talend Integration
Section 11Certification Project 1
Lecture 103Find out the frequency of books published each year.
Lecture 104Find out in which year maximum number of books were published
Lecture 105Find out how many books were published based on ranking in the year 2002.
Section 12Certification Project 2
Lecture 106Find list of Airports operating in the Country India
Lecture 107 Find the list of Airlines having zero stops
Lecture 108 List of Airlines operating with code share
Lecture 109 Which country (or) territory having highest Airports
Lecture 110 Find the list of Active Airlines in United state