DevOps Certification Training


The DevOps Certification Training Program will provide you with in-depth knowledge of various DevOps tools including Git, Jenkins, Docker, Ansible, Puppet, Kubernetes and Nagios. This training is completely hands-on and designed in a way to help you become a certified practitioner through best practices in Continuous Development, Continuous Testing, Configuration Management and Continuous Integration, and finally, Continuous Monitoring of software throughout its development life cycle.
Section 1Overview of DevOps
Lecture 1Why DevOps?
Lecture 2What is DevOps?
Lecture 3DevOps Market Trends
Lecture 4DevOps Engineer Skills
Lecture 5DevOps Delivery Pipeline
Lecture 6 DevOps Ecosystem
Section 2Version Control with Git
Lecture 7What is version control?
Lecture 8 What is Git?
Lecture 9Why Git for your organization?
Lecture 10Install Git
Lecture 11 Common commands in Git
Lecture 12Working with Remote Repositories
Section 3Git, Jenkins & Maven Integration
Lecture 13 Branching and Merging in Git
Lecture 14Git workflows
Lecture 15 Git cheat sheet
Lecture 16What is CI?
Lecture 17Why CI is Required?
Lecture 18Introduction to Jenkins (With Architecture)
Lecture 19Introduction to Maven
Section 4 Continuous Integration using Jenkins
Lecture 20Jenkins Management
Lecture 21Adding a slave node to Jenkins
Lecture 22Building Delivery Pipeline
Lecture 23 Pipeline as a Code
Lecture 24Implementation of Jenkins in the Edureka Project
Section 5Continuous Testing with Selenium
Lecture 25 Introduction to Selenium
Lecture 26 Why Selenium?
Lecture 27 Selenium – Webdriver
Lecture 28Creating Test Cases in Selenium WebDriver (Waits)
Lecture 29What and why X-Path?
Lecture 30Handling different controls on Webpage
Lecture 31 Framework in Selenium
Lecture 32Selenium Integration with Jenkins
Lecture 33 Implementation of Selenium in the Edureka Project
Section 6Continuous Deployment: Containerization with Docker
Lecture 34 Shipping Transportation Challenges
Lecture 35 Introducing Docker
Lecture 36 Understanding images and containers
Lecture 37 Running Hello World in Docker
Lecture 38 Introduction to Container
Lecture 39 Container Life Cycle
Lecture 40 Sharing and Copying
Lecture 41 Base Image
Lecture 42 Docker File
Lecture 43Working with containers
Lecture 44 Publishing Image on Docker Hub
Section 7Containerization with Docker: Ecosystem and Networking
Lecture 45 Introduction to Docker Ecosystem
Lecture 46Docker Compose
Lecture 47 Docker Swarm
Lecture 48Managing Containers
Lecture 49Running Containers
Lecture 50 Introduction to Docker Networking
Lecture 51Network Types
Lecture 52 Docker Container Networking
Lecture 53 Implementation of Docker in the Edureka Project
Section 8Continuous Deployment: Configuration Management with Puppet
Lecture 54 Introduction to Puppet
Lecture 55 Puppet Installation
Lecture 56Puppet Configuration
Lecture 57 Puppet Master and Agent Setup
Lecture 58 Puppet Module
Lecture 59Node Classification
Lecture 60 Puppet Environment
Lecture 61 Puppet Classes
Lecture 62 Automation & Reporting
Section 9Configuration Management with Ansible
Lecture 63 Introduction to Ansible
Lecture 64Ansible Installation
Lecture 65Configuring Ansible Roles
Lecture 66 Write Playbooks
Lecture 67Executing adhoc command
Section 10Containerization using Kubernetes
Lecture 68 Revisiting Kubernetes Cluster Architecture
Lecture 69Spinning up a Kubernetes Cluster on Ubuntu VMs
Lecture 70 Exploring your Cluster
Lecture 71Understanding YAML
Lecture 72 Creating a Deployment in Kubernetes using YAML
Lecture 73Creating a Service in Kubernetes
Lecture 74 Installing Kubernetes Dashboard
Lecture 75 Deploying an App using Dashboard
Lecture 76 Using Rolling Updates in Kubernetes
Lecture 77Containers and Container Orchestration
Lecture 78 Introduction to Kubernetes
Section 11Continuous Monitoring with Nagios
Lecture 79Introduction to Continuous Monitoring
Lecture 80 Introduction to Nagios
Lecture 81 Installing Nagios
Lecture 82 Nagios Plugins(NRPE) and Objects
Lecture 83 Nagios Commands and Notification
Section 12Introduction to DevOps on Cloud
Lecture 84 Why Cloud?
Lecture 85 Introduction to Cloud Computing
Lecture 86Why DevOps on Cloud?
Lecture 87 Introduction to AWS
Lecture 88 Various AWS services
Lecture 89DevOps using AWS